Updated COVID19 Resource Guide

As we all navigate these rough waters, your NVOBC Team wants you to have the best information possible. The guide discussed below is a valuable resource to all things COVID related. You can also find quick links to important Coronavirus related topics on the Senator’s web page:



Cortez Masto Shares Updated Coronavirus Disaster Resource Guide, Unveils Spanish Language Disaster Guide & Frequently Asked Questions on CARES ActLas Vegas, Nev. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) today shared new and updated resources to help Nevadans navigate the public health crisis and economic dislocation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the Senator’s website at http://www.cortezmasto.senate.gov/coronavirus-resources, Nevadans may find an updated Coronavirus Disaster Resource Guide, a newly released Spanish Resource GuideMedium posts explaining various portions of the Senator’s guide and FAQs on important issues for Nevadans including Health CareUnemployment and Pandemic AssistanceSmall Business supportHousingVeterans, as well as information for Tribal Communities and on Immigration. Additional resources can be found directly on the website.

“As we continue to confront the coronavirus pandemic together and stay home for Nevada, I want everyone in the Silver State to know that I’m here to provide the resources they need. Nevadans with issues ranging from understanding unemployment insurance, to requesting food assistance, to needing help for their small business, to knowing how to work with their mortgage company or landlord should reach out to my office. In the days and months to come, I’ll be fighting for Nevada so that our state recovers from this pandemic, and gets back to work.”


Nevadans in need of assistance should contact the Senator’s office through her website at: http://www.cortezmasto.senate.gov/contact, or by phone at (702) 388-5020 for Southern Nevada and (775) 686-5750 for Northern Nevada.

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The NVOBC is disappointed in the "Ending Presidential Overreach on Public Lands Act" introduced by Rep Mark Amodei (NV-02) and Rep Celeste Maloy (UT-02).

The proposed legislation would strip presidential authority to designate national monuments, which would in turn damage economic opportunity for outdoor recreation communities. It is a gross misconception that public land limits economic opportunity- A report from Headwaters Economics shows the consistent improvement of local economies in communities with National Monuments.

"The study found no evidence that designating these national monuments prevented economic growth. Instead, trends in key economic indicators such as population, employment, personal income, and per capita income either continued or improved in each of the regions surrounding the national monuments."
-The Economic Importance of National Monuments to Communities

The NVOBC urges Representatives Amodei and Maloy to reconsider the effect this legislation will have on rural and outdoor communities.
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